Oregon Coast, Harvest Host, and Jeeping in the Sand Dunes

Oregon Coast, Harvest Host, and Jeeping in the Sand Dunes

March 12, 2021 Blog Couples News Real Estate Testamonial Travel Vacation 0

Welcome to RView podcast where we talk about life travel and real estate. Join George and Lisa Hernandez each week as they share insights and parenting tips about their life as a blended family with fourteens their crazy travel and adventures and get Lisa’s input about real estate as she juggles it all while still managing her Top Producing real estate brokerage View Properties.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Hi, welcome back to RView podcast. I’m Lisa RichartHernandez.

And I’m George Hernandez.

Lisa RichartHernandez
And we are here to talk to you about our next stop on our trip. A RV trip across the country from Charleston all the way to where we are. Yeah. And this stop we are at Crescent City, California, which is the entrance to the redwoods forest, and one of the most northern cities in California, kind of on the coast of Oregon and California. And we stayed for four nights at the ramblin redwoods

ramblin red with a ramblin

Lisa RichartHernandez
redwoods resort. And I gotta say, it was a nice big site. There’s lots of trees. And even though it was like a it wasn’t fancy. It was really nice.

It was camping.

Lisa RichartHernandez
I felt for the first time that we were kind of a really camping. Yes. The cooked over the fire. We weren’t we Yeah,

we it was dusty. It was dirty. Not the campsite. No, it was Yeah, it

Lisa RichartHernandez
was it was it was well carved. It was just like more rustic like it is in the dirt in camp with a fire pit.

I will say as a driver was a little tight. That’s the only bad comment. They’ll say,

Lisa RichartHernandez
well, not the spot itself,

right to

Lisa RichartHernandez
the spot. But and then like when you pull in, it’s not that creative of you. But like it’s like a mobile mobile home park right next to it or something. But once you get in there, it’s really cool. And people are all super friendly. As a matter of fact, so friendly. We met some nice new friends of ours who flew me that listen to our podcast was Kim and Mike. And they’re from Seattle.

And then it was Mike’s birthday. And we ended up taking our we went out to dinner with Mike and Kim

Lisa RichartHernandez
yeah, they ended up buying us dinner, his birthday. But um, so they saw the pod RV podcast on our RV and stopped and talked to George and we had business cards made before we went on our trip so that we could like give our information and people to keep in touch. And Georgia. Hey, let’s start by their place in the jeep. They just got a new RV. And let’s go say hi to them. So we stopped by and they were just like they didn’t have a tow vehicle.


Lisa RichartHernandez
And it reminded me of the days that we had no tow vehicle was like nowhere to go. If you don’t have a tow vehicle.

Yeah. And that’s kind of a part of the conversation. He wanted to know about our podcast, and he had questions about tow vehicles and all the combination on how to set the combination on the door, which I thought I had saved, but I didn’t have it saved.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah. So if anybody knows how to set the combination, when you’re a new owner of a Tiffin 2017 Alegra bus. we need that invoke, send it to us in our show on our show notes.

So we went over to say hi, and they were getting ready to have a picnic table. And we were like we’re going out to dinner if you guys want to just jump in with us. You know, but whatever you guys want to do. And they kind of talk that over and they’re like, Yeah, let’s go get out of here. It was awesome. We had a blast.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, so nice. And we always say every single time we meet the nicest couples when we’re rvng because people would not be assholes and like, actually choose to be inside of like a 40 foot RV for even less a lot of days.

Yeah, for 100 square

Lisa RichartHernandez
feet or any period of time if you don’t really like each other. So they were they’re really great couple and we went to this place called C quake brewing. So this was like our our first venture into Crescent City, California also which populations about 7600 people small town. I will


Lisa RichartHernandez
I will say that Crescent City does an amazing job of online advertising for others, but it was nowhere near as good as new forte or anything like that. So I wouldn’t I wasn’t like

I’ll give them a pass. Because there was a lot of construction going on. Oh, and it was COVID. So I’ll give him a pass but I truly agree with Lisa that whoever does the marketing for the city of Crescent City. Their

Lisa RichartHernandez
dollar isn’t Yeah, right. So we did. So we soon realized like, we have our new friends and we’re like jumping the tube. We’re just gonna go down out of town. I’m sure there’s like, some sort of restaurants so fast. Yeah. And, uh, normally like, I’m, I’m like the planner, but Georgia sort of said, Hey, jump in. And we were like, We don’t even know where we’re going yet. Anyways, long story short, we found this place called C quick brewing, which I think is probably one of the nicest busiest restaurants in Crescent City.

Looked like one of the newer ones.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah. They were of course, you know, very COVID compliant and everything, but the food was actually really good.

Yeah, I was happy with my meal.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, I think everybody was like a snapper over rice with some like, church tomato sauce. It was very, very good for you. No, no. And then what did you get?

I got the burger. No. Oh,

Lisa RichartHernandez
it’s a pastrami sandwich or something. He’s

strong. Yeah. And it was actually very, very good.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Even Kim got that. And I got the really barbecue sandwich was huge. Food was really good when we took our leftovers. Second day service was

very, very good.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah. So it was really good. Everyone again, super friendly people in Oregon, that we met. So that was our first night. And then our friends were leaving next day. So we dropped them off after I just ate and visited for a while. It was really, really kind of cool. And our next day, we had a planned our all day canoe trip, or kayak trip. Oh, yes. So we use Redwood ride adventures and cannot say like, I’m so glad we did that. I would say that was again, one of our maybe highlights of the trip. We did an all day trip. Yes. I think it was about 125. All on I got over here. 100 and full day tours $120 for an adult and an organic picnic. Lunch was included. And we were for six hours. It was a six hour

trip. Six were to

Lisa RichartHernandez
Yes. So we met our guide at a

local gas station,

Lisa RichartHernandez
like 15 minutes from the resort. And they picked us up for a while we followed them dropped off our jeep at the little church to park at night, we jumped in their car, and they took us to drop us off. And we each had our kayak and the water was really low because it was summertime. So apparently, it’s all different, depending on the time of year.

So Josh, our tour guide was showing us where the the waterline typically is when it’s winter time or spring when the when the snow melts. And it was 20 feet over our heads.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, I mean, like they’re, like completely different. And we were uh, places that sometimes maybe the foot water was like a foot deep.

Right. But then we were. So we were there at the Southwest time. Oh, yeah. And

Lisa RichartHernandez
this is the Smith River. We were on.

Yes. Smith River. There were parts of the Smith River at the shell that you know, the not prime kayaking time that were 20, 30 feet deep. Yeah. So man, another 20 or 30 feet on top of that.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, crystal blue water. And, you know, I was a little bit worried. I’m not gonna lie. Georgia wouldn’t do the share the correct thing with me. We each had our own. And I was like, six hours. That’s kind of a long time of paddling. And

yeah, see, see why didn’t want to do.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Okay, so let me just say it was easy. It was so fun and relaxing. And I’m glad we did the full day because we really got to see a lot of cool stuff.

We got to see so many. Let’s talk about Josh. That’s not over Josh. Josh was awesome. Yeah, Josh, basically told us right from the get go. This is your kayak trip. I’m just here to make it the best possible kayak trip for you. We can go as fast as you want to go. We can go slow as you want to go. I’m here for the whole day. I’m here for you. You tell me what you want to do.

Lisa RichartHernandez
He was he was awesome. And he it was just the two of us like so it was him and George and I, which was that was even really cool too. So it was almost like our private tour.

But not only was it just Lisa and I and Josh on the tour, but it was just the three of us on the river. There was like nobody

Lisa RichartHernandez
Like 98% of the time it was just the three of us. We finally

At one point, another group caught up to us. But like Lisa said, 98% of that whole tour, we were there by ourselves is like we own the river. It was beautiful. Yeah.

Lisa RichartHernandez
And, of course, again, we can’t say that it’s always going to be like that, but highly recommend that highly recommend it. And then they have like, more whitewater rapids and stuff like that you can do different times of the year when the water is faster and deeper.

Yeah, whatever, whatever you want to do. We highly recommend them. They were awesome.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah. And they had really good ratings already on TripAdvisor and stuff like that. I can see why. Yeah, and I added a great review there. But I’m gonna say so we go, or, like paddling down the river. And he’s like, kneelers is really cool place up here or we can see the redwoods. If you want to just pull over we can do a little bit of hiking if you’re into that. We’re like, okay, so I definitely recommend water shoes. For one thing George wears regular tennis shoes that they got wet, but

yeah, cuz I didn’t have my water shoes with me. And then but I would definitely agree.

Lisa RichartHernandez
It was again cold. It wasn’t hot, hot.

But it was weird because you’re you’re paddling so you’re you’re warming up your you know, it wasn’t like we were sweating and right it was it was super comfortable. Right? It you could literally sit in the kayak and let the river take you down.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, what about Tom wasn’t a strenuous paddle right?

Not at all. So but we warmed up, and when you warm up, the water feels colder. And then at one point, it kind of started getting a little chilly in the air. And it was weird, because then the water felt warm. Because your body just changes.

Lisa RichartHernandez
So he says, Let’s pull over here to this little beach. So we pull over to this little beach. And I’m just gonna be honest, like, my expectations were like, kind of low like, well, we

it wasn’t that we were even low. We just weren’t expecting it. I thought we were just kayaking. I had no clue that we were going into

Lisa RichartHernandez
this hike. It was like it wasn’t a hike, hike like crazy there. It was a grove of wet redwoods. And it was a walk through the woods. Basically, I wouldn’t resort hiking, it was extreme,

but it was the most beautiful thing. We like, you know, when you just look at something and you go, wow. Yeah, I don’t know how many times we said, Wow,

Lisa RichartHernandez
almost like it takes your breath away. And you really the pictures don’t do it justice. I posted a million pictures of it. You can’t even

it’s the Grand Canyon of trees. Yes,

Lisa RichartHernandez
that’s so true. That’s the perfect analogy. If you haven’t been the Grand Canyon, then you want to get that one either,

right, you can see a million pictures of the Grand Canyon. But until you step on the rim, you just can’t appreciate it. And these trees are the same. I’ve seen millions of pictures of redwood trees and how big they are. And I’m like, Yeah, they’re big trees, whatever. When you see one for real in front of you, and you realize just how small you are next to this thing.

Lisa RichartHernandez
And these trees are like 2000 years old, which is also just like, I don’t know, I felt like one of the juries was gonna start talking to us like, Hi, I’ve seen everything that there is, like,

I mean, it felt like a Star Wars movie or something. It really been the film part of Star Wars there. Yeah, it was is. So again, our tour guide Josh, who turned out to be a wealth of information.

Lisa RichartHernandez
He actually is born and raised there. So right from there, but

again, I wasn’t expecting that I was just expecting some guy to take us down the river. And he was just full of knowledge. And it was awesome. He was telling us about the trees and what to look for. And you know how these these trees are their fire resistant? I didn’t know that. I thought every tree burned pretty much.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, I gotta say that. We have learned so much on this trip about nature and about things that we really truly didn’t know about.

Yeah, I kind of feel like almost dumb that it’s there’s just so much that we learn that. I don’t know. I feel dumb.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, I mean, but it I guess it’s not something I think are everything that we do is so led by the media and what we hear about and now we’re doing this podcast after we’ve already been to this thing and sons we’ve left. A bunch of forest fires have broken out. And they’re talking in in the news about how these redwoods great redwoods are going to be lost. And I’m like okay, weird is all those 2000 year old Redwood And then we know that the bark is basically fireproof. We know that they withstood millions of forest fires, like not millions, but tons of forest fires and live for 2000 years before they were, you know, basically taken out by loggers. Now they’ve stopped this. So I’m like, the redwoods will, will survive the fire.

They’ve been here long before us. And they’re going to be here long after us. And then we also learned about the fires when we were in Yellowstone know, Custer, Yellowstone

Lisa RichartHernandez
and Custer State Park, and they talked about controlled burns. And they talked about how the forest regenerates itself through fires and natural things that happen in nature like that. It’s interesting that there was nothing about global warming and any of the scientific information that they had.

Let’s not go there. Yeah. So let’s go back to Josh.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Let’s go back to Josh, who’s

also awesome. So cool. so laid back, Josh, if you’re listening. Love you, brother.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, so the Smith river is actually a National Recreation Area and has 305 acre region offering easy access to swimming, hiking, picnicking, hiking, whitewater rafting, and steelhead fishing. So we did not go fishing. But he said in when it’s the season, it’s amazing fishing in the Smith River. So if you’re individuating you definitely want to check that

out. And he said they can catch him like what up to 50 pounds.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, like gigantic salmon.

huge fish on Yeah, river.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah. Yeah. Sounds like a big thing there. And that was really cool as my fact our neighbors at the redwoods rambling redwoods RV park, gave us a bunch of fish that he had caught. They were there. Oh, really. We were there over Labor Day weekend. And they were there to go fishing.

Yeah, And they caught so much. He was like you guys want to? Please.

Lisa RichartHernandez
So we had some fish tacos. The other night was really good. Buy some fresh. Yeah. So that that was our first day in the redwoods. And just a tiny little taste of the actual redwood trees and the forests and the groves they call them. So all the different things or they call it like this is such in such a grove, where there’s a cluster of these giant redwoods. And unfortunately, like 70% of them or something were taken out by loggers before they realized that it took so long these giant redwoods and so they stopped that. And there’s a huge preservation effort on effort for the redwoods, which was pretty cool. We learned we learned about that too. We did again, we drove Southdown one on one. Right. It was one on one. Same interstate as we were in Oregon. And I mean, I think if you could just drive down 101 that would be like the most beautiful

road trip you could do. I haven’t seen another road trip. That’s is really cool as I mean, I would I would drive back out to the west coast on another trip. And I would literally do just one on one straight down. Because it was that beautiful.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah. When you when we drove in from the casino place that we’d stayed in, in Oregon. We came home I came in through 199 which meets up with 101 and 199. That was our first real taste of the redwoods at work we were driving in. Well, George was driving in I was writing, we’re towing the jeep.

I don’t know if I would call it driving or just holding on for dear life

Lisa RichartHernandez
caught my pants.

Seriously. That was the craziest drive. So let me let me set the picture for you. It’s a two lane road, one going north one going south or east or west, whichever direction they’re going. And there’s giant redwood trees right on the side of the road, like right on the side of so close it in so close that they had to notch some of the trees so that you wouldn’t hit him. So here I’m coming in with a 40 foot RV with a Jeep in tow and I’m telling you sharp as turns and

Lisa RichartHernandez
no, it’s like says it’s got the picture of the tipping truck. Yes. And every turn flashing lights and 20 miles an hour. Eight grades like 8% downhill grade uphill grade. Yes. And

Lisa reminded me of every speed I was reading. This one’s funny. This one’s 20 like Florida. So we made it. But the last turn on 199 is the worst turn. So it’s a when we were coming in it’s a sharp right hand turn with the two the two of the biggest redwood trees in the whole Forest right next to the road. I don’t know why they put those trees next to the road. They shouldn’t have put them there. But they had a notch those trees out

Lisa RichartHernandez
that’s a private joke. That’s a joke. So our guide when we were on our canoe trip said he, you know, they’re they have other like, like guides and stuff that do all these different like tours of redwoods and stuff. And he’s like, you know what the most common question is? We’re like, what is it? He’s

like, people always ask, why did they put those these trees so close to the road? Why did they plant them so close to the road? Why did they plant those trees 2000 years ago, so close to the road. It’s just it’s mind blowing. Yeah. So sharp right hand turn two giant trees right next to the road. And what happens? I’ve got a 40 foot RV. And on the other side is another 40 foot RV coming in my direction. And we happen to meet right at the trees. I’m not gonna lie. I just put the RV between the lines. And I prayed to God that we didn’t hit anything. How we didn’t hit anything is beyond me. But I guess if you stay between the lines, you’ll be fine.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, yeah. So we were only driving the Jeep, our next day when we were going down one on one. And we drove all the way pretty much to the well, pretty much almost to the end of the redwoods forest. So we tried to stop by the trees of mystery, which is like a sky trail. It’s it’s a tourist trap. Yes, like a big tourist trap. So there’s a big long line out there. And there’s a gigantic, gigantic like lumberjack made out of wood and a bear made out of wood. And then there’s like this long line of people at sign. They’re all standing six feet apart with their masks on and everything.

But again, part of the lines is because of COVID.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Maybe, and it was Labor Day weekend. Yeah, like a tourist thing.

double whammy. Yeah.

Lisa RichartHernandez
And so forcefully this lady was like, so um, yeah, like the wait is two hours or like, Huh. Like says, like you got in, there was a long line. And then there’s this like, lady and her mother that were sitting there. Mother was like, I don’t know, probably like in her 70s or something. And I was like, are you in line? Or like, no. And I’m like, did you go in? And they said, yeah, we paid to go in, and you walk like 20 minutes of the thing. And that’s a two hour wait for the seven minute ride.

So the thing is a gondola ride.

Lisa RichartHernandez
That’s like a gondola that

takes you through the woods. So we were like, Oh, that’s cool. Let’s go check it out. And that’s when we found out

Lisa RichartHernandez
yeah, definitely recommend doing that. Not on a weekend or holiday time for sure. Because it’s probably pretty cool. If

you you know, just if everybody’s done it and give us some insight onto it. Tell

Lisa RichartHernandez
us how we made the mistake of not waiting.

It was the best thing ever in the history of everything. Right.

Lisa RichartHernandez
So that were kept driving south and we actually decided to do some true hiking. And I’m not gonna lie. I never could really understand hiking. Like why would anybody purposely go walk up a hill? It doesn’t really make any sense to

walk through the woods by we’re gonna do this.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, until we did the hiking in the redwoods?

Yes. I think we might officially be hikers now.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, I mean, I’m glad we bought our hiking boots. With that and a lot of use out of them and it was like repair miles on our boots. Yeah, so you basically can just like drive down and you can go off on all these like scenic like, like off roads. And you don’t have to hike. I mean, just the drive there is incredibly beautiful as it is. We we did was it the coastal loop drive? I’m pretty sure that’s what it was called. Yes, the coastal loop drive. And it’s nine miles and he goes from Klamath, California

Unknown Speaker

Lisa RichartHernandez
nine miles basically. Which that’s another thing we did another Jeep route. And we so Klamath beach is where the ocean comes in to the lake. Remember those pictures? Yeah, we drove up on the edge of this mountain. I think you’d get there with a regular car.

Yeah, there was plenty of regular road.

Lisa RichartHernandez
No, no, it was it was a one way gravel road

but it? Oh, yes. Yes, yes. But it was. There were definitely regular cars there. Yeah. four wheel drive. Don’t have to have on me to go. jeeping

Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, but it was definitely like a beaut. full view. And you could hear the ceilings, we just couldn’t find them.

Yeah, that was weird. We could hear them all over, but we just could,

Lisa RichartHernandez
could I know cuz we’re up on that cliff.

But it was a beautiful view,

Lisa RichartHernandez
it was a beautiful view. And that was a nice little side trip. And we just kind of like, I think one of the things I really love is, you could just keep driving and like around every corner, you’re like, look at that, like, let’s stop and get out and take pictures and check it out. And I think, like, if you wanted to really be a serious hiker about it, they have something for everyone like, you know, 10 miles to a half a mile kite type of things like we did, I think was at Lady Bird Johnson Grove trail.

Yes, that was the one on the other side of the street. Yeah, it was one and a half miles, you know,

Lisa RichartHernandez
in it. I mean, we’re literally just walking through there, like, Oh, my God, look at this. Oh, my gosh, I think it was like exercising without even really realizing we were exercising,

I’m constantly looking up at these 300 foot tall trees that were just it was amazingly beautiful lush greenery, it was so beautiful. And just really, really. So I took a picture of Lisa and we’ll post it up on our website. But I wanted to capture, it’s so hard to capture the size of these trees. And I finally think I kind of figured it out. I let her walk way ahead of me. And I made her walk to a specific tree on the trail. And she turned around and I took this picture. And literally when you look at the picture, if we don’t point Lisa out, you’ll you won’t see her. That’s how small she is next to this tree. It was just amazing. And so beautiful. Yeah, yeah.

Lisa RichartHernandez
And so yeah, you can also go on the Newton jury scenic Parkway, which we also did that one. And that’s like right off of 101. And that was really cool. And then we also went by elk meadow, which I think we really missed, I think, like if it’s anything like when we were in Custer and Yellowstone, here to get there really early in the morning, really early or late early evening. Yeah, but there was all these meadows. And then you know, here’s another thing. There was a bunch of stuff closed because of COVID. Like we couldn’t drive up to that beach or anything. Gold Glove, gold, gold bluffs beach. They were at quote unquote, capacity when we got there. Again, it was Labor Day weekend. So yeah, I don’t know what we missed there. But we did go to the elk meadow and then we got all the way down to the basically where the Rangers are information that was really at the at the mouth of the redwoods. So we

go to the red button.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, so we went all the way from Crescent City, all the way down to I don’t even know what the name of that town was. I think it was about an hour and a half drive.

Yes, because of all the loops that we did and and we would highly, highly recommend it just take the loops see all the scenic sights that there are

Lisa RichartHernandez
yellow, like for example like the Newton very scenic Parkway that we went off on. It says it’s only 10 miles into plan 30 minutes. So,

yeah, I mean, it would take our time we took our time down but when we came back remember we wanted to go through the drive thru tree we got back and lickety split. Yeah, that’s true. We went to go to the drive thru tree opening in that town, a little Indian Reservation reservations. Apparently we found out that there are several dry victories. So make sure you do your homework. I guess there’s one that’s it’s called the redwood Boulevard or redwoods or something like that and they’ve got to draw it through. And then there was one where we were and it was $5 to get in which we didn’t have $5 you bring a little cash with you that not everybody takes credit cards.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Here I want to read what this says. Where are the drive thru trees. There are no drive thru redwood trees in the parks. Though you’re within a few hours drive of all of them. Today there are only three remaining coasts Redwood drive through trees there along us one on one in Klamath, Meyers flat. And Leggett California, whether we drive through why Besides appears skyward, she the tops of these living giants. We hope there’s scale and timelessness captures imagination inspires your care. So that’s there’s only three places. And it’s not actually inside the park. I’m pretty sure the one we went to was at Meyers flat.

Yes, that’s where that one was. And so we talked to some friends and they showed us pictures of the one that they drove through.

Lisa RichartHernandez
And I think it was Mars flat. So that must be what we missed. No, because she thought it was Mars flat.

Okay, well,

Lisa RichartHernandez
that’d be Klamath as well. The one we went to them,

whichever one they drove through, we had heard that one of the drive thru trees had burned, somehow caught on fire. So if the fire gets inside the tree, it’ll burn. It won’t burn the outside. So long story short, they got a picture of themselves driving through a tree that is charred. That’s kind of weird.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Remember, we saw pictures? We don’t know because we never got in.

Because we don’t have $5

Lisa RichartHernandez
only helps like change that we went to go to the Indian reservation, which was the closest place that had an ATM. And that line was all the way around the building. Six feet apart to get in there.

We spent $30 in gas trying to find an ATM. Which we never did.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, pretty much. That was a fail. That was definitely a fail.

So we never got to the drive thru T. Very cash for the people. Yeah, very cash.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So that was that was really cool. That was like one of our, like, one of my other favorite days, I think is when we just, you know, went hiking and drove down those, those turtles and when you really just can’t describe how beautiful it is?

No, you can’t. And you also can’t describe how peaceful it is. Yeah, it was just so quiet and so peaceful walking through that forest. I was blown away.

Lisa RichartHernandez
That’s true. And people say right now, especially after COVID, and all of the stuff that we’ve been through, that people are looking for peaceful places to go to get away from congestion of cities. And this was just really cool. Like, it was a great little like area to just check out and, and

had It’s so weird. It’s It’s so harshly distance and the coolest describe because it was just just that it was so peaceful, so beautiful it it kind of makes you realize how small we are in this world. Those trees were just massive. It was unbelievable. I’m still like, it’s been a while since we were there. And I’m blown away.

Lisa RichartHernandez
And I think that in this whole trip, I think one of the coolest things is been the experience of driving across the United States. And seeing all the changes of the landscape that we’ve seen from the deserts and the mountains, to the geysers to these giant trees to the cliffs in the ocean and the wars and the corn. It’s just been really, really, really, really amazing experience. And

I think everybody should do it once in their life at least.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, and I know that what we’re doing is on a lot of people’s bucket list, and a lot of people always say, are following you and living vicariously through you through Facebook, in your photos and stuff. But truly this

everybody should do it one time. Yeah.

Lisa RichartHernandez
And if you can’t do it all at once, just do a little chunks of it. Yeah, you know, we

live in a beautiful country that has so much to offer. And, you know, it’s sad that it took you know, the borders getting closed for everybody to say, oh, let’s check out our own town.

Lisa RichartHernandez
That’s true. That’s true. And we really, really, we really, we didn’t we didn’t have to. You don’t have to spend a whole bunch of money.

No, absolutely not. If you’re willing to you know, stay in your van or stay in tents or boondocking or I mean, but you don’t even have to boondock it. I mean, there are so many reasonable RV parks out there that you don’t have to spend a ton of money and

Lisa RichartHernandez
yeah, like all like especially if you have a smaller rig or tents or whatever. Like all of these like actual like national parks and campgrounds which unfortunately are closed right now because of the fires in California are very, like 20 bucks a night.

They’re awesome. And they’re dirt cheap. Yeah. And you’re and you’re in the park. Yeah. Yeah.

Lisa RichartHernandez
So I think I think that pretty much wraps us up. I mean, there’s not a lot more to talk about, besides the awesome trees and stuff that we saw at Crescent City was, you know, like a cool place to start. Not a whole bunch going on in Crescent City. But we, I think we made the best of everything that we did. We always just made there Crescent beach. People went surfing and skiing and stuff. We didn’t go to the beach. It was cold for us.

For us, it was cold, but we always make the best of everything.

Lisa RichartHernandez
That’s true. You know, I love about spy.

My dwell on the bad things. There’s so many beautiful things, there’s so many nice things, is just find the good, there’s good in everything. There’s beauty and everything. And that’s what we always strive to find. I don’t care where we go. I don’t care how bad the town is, I don’t care how whatever it is, we always have fun. And we always have we always find the coolest things to do in anywhere.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, I think I think that’s true. And I think just be having an open mind and just kind of like, I love our days where we just were like, Hmm, let’s dive South today. And check things out and, and, and, and discover things like as they come to us, which is such a cool, like experience, like, are driving down the road. And then all of a sudden, we’re in the middle of this giant redwood forest. It’s like, holy cow look at these trees. Like we’re driving down the water when we’re like, oh my gosh, look at that ocean. Look at these giant rocks. Like this is so cool.

Like they say, stop and smell the roses. That’s right. And another if I can give everybody Another tip is there’s nothing wrong with having a down day. We’d love our down days. Yeah,

Lisa RichartHernandez
we do a lot of down days. I catch up on my work we do our podcast we are we do nothing do laundry. We just hang out.

Or we do nothing.

Lisa RichartHernandez
I do laundry. I work.

I I do nothing.

Lisa RichartHernandez
You still have a dishwasher.

Yes. a dishwasher is awesome.

Lisa RichartHernandez
It’s the most ridiculous thing to have a dishwasher for two people. I just watched that he likes to put him in there and wait till Advil that

we have it let’s use it. Biggest argument. If you don’t use it, you lose it.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Oh, there we go. a whole nother podcast or into a bar. Gosh. All right. Well, thank you my friends for listening. Our next stop is a we are heading to Carson City, Nevada, and we’re going to go visit Lake Tahoe and Reno,

Oh my god, I can’t

Lisa RichartHernandez
and Nevada. So we’ll tell you all about that. turbin travels.

And we’re staying at a casino. Yeah, RV Resort at a casino. Our second one. The first one was fabulous.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, we’ll let you know how that goes on our next podcast. So listen in and tune in and share this with your friends. The best compliment we can receive is a like or comment on our podcast and also if you will share it on your social media and with your friends, and subscribe and listen to us. So you can get sponsors and travel for free.

Yes, and then we can talk some more.

Lisa RichartHernandez
Bye friends. We’ll talk to you next time in our next stop.

Bye Bye.

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