Virtual Showing Assistant

Receive your custom walk-through videos in 24 hours or less

View Properties is a
unique real estate company that provides FREE Virtual Showing Assistant- (VSA)

  • -VSA sends private video link to view on phone, tablet, or pc
  • 3D video upon request
  • Saves you time

When people are shopping for a home, they search the internet and their agent sends them homes that they may be interested in.

Then they coordinate with their Real Estate Agent on when to go see the home together. Many times when they show up, they don’t like the home because it’s not what they saw in the photos that the listing agent presented on the internet.

With View Properties, you will be assigned a Virtual Showing Assistant. This person is a licensed agent who will go and pre-VIEW any properties you want to see BEFORE you get in the car, sit in traffic, and spend your valuable time off.

They will get to know your likes and dislikes so when they go to the property, they can highlight in their video the features that you want to know more about.

Maybe you are a busy executive, an out of town buyer, or simply a person who doesn’t want to sit in traffic on a beautiful Saturday afternoon looking at homes that don’t meet your needs.

With your Virtual Showing Assistant, you send them the properties you would like more information on by simply clicking on the “schedule a virtual showing” button on our website.

Your virtual showing assistant is your personal shopper

We will send you a personalized visual walk through video you can view from your phone, tablet, or computer.

Isn’t it easier to spend 5 minutes viewing a video of a home you might like on your phone or tablet in bed, or on a break from work, or sitting by the pool on vacation?

Once you find the homes that you like, after you have already had your pre-VIEW, then you get straight to the homes you really want to see in person! Saving you valuable time, money, and frustration.

Lead Agent-

Your lead agent is an experienced skilled negotiator that is going to walk you through the offer stage of the home buying experience to help negotiate you the best terms and research the values in the area so you can make an educated buying decision.