Our Interview with Angie Morell Director of Sales for National Indoor RV Centers and AIM group info

Welcome to RView podcast where we talk about life travel and real estate. Join George and Lisa Hernandez each week as they share insights and parenting tips about their life as a blended family with fourteens their crazy travel and adventures and get Lisa’s input about real estate as she juggled it all while still managing her Top Producing real estate brokerage View Properties.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Hi, friends, welcome to RView podcast. I’m Lisa RichartHernandez.
And I’m George Hernandez.
Lisa RichartHernandez
We’re super excited today we have a guest with us. Angie Morell, She’s the director of sales for national indoor RV centers. And we met her here this weekend at the Tampa RV Super Show. And we’re just super excited to talk to her. She’s like the expert on everything RV and has all kinds of YouTubes. And she can teach you pretty much anything and I love especially when a woman is like so smart about all things mechanical and RV. So Angie, introduce yourself and tell us about how you got here and how long you’ve been in the business and get a little info. Okay, well, great.
First of all, thank you, this is fun to do this, this is my first podcast, so I feel pretty special. So I have been I’ve worked only for national indoor RV centers, and I started with them kind of from the get go. I knew the CEO and founder of our company. And he kind of told me this crazy idea that he had that he was going to build these, you know, big buildings that would store 300 plus coaches. And then he told me how much these coaches cost and I like, so they’re gonna like pay to store and then they’re gonna buy coach from you. And then they still have like money for fuel and stuff because they hold like 150 gallons of fuel or 200 gallons of fuel. So I’m just kind of blew my mind. So he built the first location in Dallas. And I actually went out to like, they had this big empty building, and we needed to fill it with, you know, coaches or something. So I went to boat docks, and was trying to sell storage for boaters just from the get we just needed to get, you know, people in there things in the building. And so I started with the beginning. And then initially we were just going to national indoor RV centers was just going to be storage and service. So there was no sales and a couple years into it, they decided to add coaches that they would sell. And so they asked me come I’ve been an interior decorator asked me to come and stage to coaches, you know for sale. So I was like sure Henry credit card and let me go shop I’m yeah, yeah. So I came through it, you know, different, different way than most so started stage and the coaches and just loved the company and nice people that work there. The technicians were just fabulous. And so I’d love to come into work every day. And I said, Yeah, I’ll come to work. I don’t want to work full time. So now that kept me traveling. Yeah. So eventually, they’re like, you know, we want you to try out sales, never done sales before. Loved it. And then they said, you know, let’s, let’s try some of these videos and teach people about coaches. And by that time, I was familiar with coaches and had, you know, driving them And anyway, so we started the videos and sales and it’s just kind of taken off since there so love the company love what I do, I feel really lucky to you know, work at such a great place and had the opportunities that I’ve had so,
Lisa RichartHernandez
so you didn’t even have an RV when you first
didn’t I? You know, I was a tent camper.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Wow. I would have thought you like grew up in RV or something you knew everything about it. Yes, I’ve done a lot of research,
a lot of research, a lot of studying because really the main thing is product knowledge when you’re selling RVs You know, a lot of our customers they have they’re retired, this is what they’ve been saving their their retirement for is this lifestyle. And so they have time to do a lot of research. So, you know, I really needed to learn the product and know my stuff because my customers do
right you gotta be on par with them.
Yeah, so as soon as I know, as soon as I say something that’s wrong, they’re gonna catch me on it and they’ll know more about rvng than I ever will. I do it but I’m not. I don’t have time yet to do it like I’d like to. So they are the experts. You all you all are the experts.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Well, we’re still pretty new to it, too. So we’re watching your videos to learn things that we can find out all the time. Yeah, yeah, look at keep watching them. Yeah, security. Yeah, by the way.
How long have you been there?
So at national indoor RV centers opened in 2009. Like I said, I helped fill some storage initially first, and I started working there in 2013.
Wow, that’s excellent.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah. And where are their locations now across the country.
So we have Lewisville, Texas. Which is a suburb of Dallas, we’re in surprise Arizona, Las Vegas, Nevada, North Las Vegas, Atlanta, Georgia. And we just opened our most, our newest location in Nashville, Tennessee. So we’re really excited. So we have five locations now we plan to do, you know, I think our our final goal is around 14 locations across the country in the routes of RV gear so that wherever you’re traveling, you’re never more than like 500 miles away from a national indoor RV centers so you can get to ask for help for service. And really, the whole concept of national indoor RV centers is we take the hassle out of RV and because our RV is a ton of fun, but there are some hassles. You know, our owner has he’s been RV in since 1985. So he loved it. But he was like, every time I wanted to go take a trip, we had to go the storage unit pick up the coach, the wife had to follow me and then we’d had to take it to the service department. And then we had to go get a few you know, parts and steps at the camping store for for you know, he goes it was five trips to get on the trip. Yeah, so the whole concept of national indoor. Yeah, is that everything happens in one place. So we have like a valet service for storage. So your store with us, you just give us a call. We appreciate 24 hours notice if you can give it because sometimes your coach maybe five coaches deep in our buildings. And that way we fill up your tire to the tire pressure, you’ve let us know that you want them at put your coach underneath the awning, let you know that it’s ready to go fill up your water tank. So you just drive up the coach, if you want to leave your car, we’ll put it in the building. Or if you tow in the car, you can hook up and just pull out.
That’s awesome. Let me ask you a question. So if you become a member, Are you a member just at that location? Or can you For example, if I’m traveling across the country, and I have an emergency and I have to fly back home, and I’m near your Las Vegas location, can I drop mine off there and come home?
Well, you know, we’ll we’ll try to work with you. So that would be something where you give us a call typically all of our storage contracts or your long contracts because people want it, they’re going to take their coaches in and out. But to hold that space, you really have to have that for the year. So definitely we’re going to try to help you out with however we can in any of our locations or all one company so you can come to us for service at any of the locations Washington detail. Paint and body we have full on paint booths. So when you you know have your little fender bender, and you need to get fixed up we have the best really artists for your coach to get it back to better than before.
Lisa RichartHernandez
It’s actually hard to find a place to get your RV washed when you’re not yeah resort or something like we live in an HOA neighborhood. And our storage place doesn’t have it. So when we you know, we just went through a truck wash on the way here, which wasn’t the greatest but at least it got like the massive dirt off right? finding a place and scheduling it ahead of time to get the guy to come in and wash or coach. Like even that is a huge convenience.
Yeah, look how much they charge.
And have you ever Yeah, really. I guess you’ve done it yourself at the truck wash. I’ve done that once.
Lisa RichartHernandez
We drove through I forget what the name of is the blue something or other. They you drive there we were in there with the semis and you didn’t even have to unhook your tow vehicle. And there’s like six guys with pressure washers. Okay, clean. It was $75 and that was to do the truck in the jeep. And that was really inexpensive compared to having the guy come. I think we paid $400 to have the coach clean for me. We’re in the Seattle area one time one time when we were on our cross country. He didn’t do that. Yeah, I mean, it was good, but it wasn’t like he waxed it or anything. was you know when he was like, you know you need a racks job right? We do. Save our money for that next out of money. Sorry. Yeah, yeah. So we’re here with the all inclusive motorhome Club, which we just joined. Oh, great. And national, our indoor RV centers is a big sponsor of that we are. So tell us a little bit more about the ame group how people can join and what the benefits are of that we’ve only been here this weekend and we’re already amazed by the dinners and music and
we’re hooked. We’re hooked.
Okay, you haven’t even experienced it yet, so it’s gonna get a lot better. So at the Tampa show, we love to come here we’re just in the campground and we’re just doing basically evening events where we cook for whoever shows up and entertainment for whoever shows up. So everyone is welcome. And we try to do that we really want to meet our viewers and meet new people and so even get a little prize if you if you’re a member and you bring a friend you get a member gift. So in club would do sponsor and it’s a way for us to get to know our customers. So when you buy from national indoor RV centers, your first year membership is paid for that’s $35 guys So you have automatic entry into the ame. Club. And there’s little discounts that go along with being a member of ame. But the biggest thing that we do is we do rallies throughout the year. So usually around six to seven rallies, and our rallies are better than anything you’ve ever been to, I can pretty much almost guarantee that. So everything is exclusive for our group. So we do amazing catered dinners and breakfasts is usually two meals a day because that’s plenty. You’ll never go away hungry, or thirsty. And then private entertainment. Jeep tours, four by fours. I mean, last year, we had some phenomenal rallies, we did canal, Utah, lots of tours, Jeep tours, and four by fours through the beautiful canyons
Lisa RichartHernandez
and all that’s included?
all that’s included.
Lisa RichartHernandez
I looked at them up that cost $650 a couple. And that includes parking all of your camping and food and all of the things that you do. Yep,
yes, yes. So like I said, That’s you pay that to aim. National indoor RV centers is a sponsor, so we help cover the some of the extra costs because they definitely don’t just cost $650 there’s much more involved. And then Freightliner is a big sponsor of ame club as well. So and it is the all inclusive motorhome club. So anyone’s welcome, as long as they’ve got a motor on their coach. So if you’re in a class B, Class C, gas, diesel, I’m sorry, a gas Class A or a diesel Class A we love everyone. So everyone’s welcome. And that’s really what it’s all about is to come together. And I always tell my customers, especially if they’re new to RV, I’m like, if you can get signed up for one of our rallies right away, you will learn more in four days than you will in six months of doing it by yourself. Because our customers are just, they want to help you. They want you to enjoy the lifestyle. So they are just I said you don’t know how to park your coach just stand out in front of it and kind of like scratch your head. And you’ll like be swarmed by like five guys. Oh, yeah. And they’ll be there to help you get in and tell you the tricks of how to back in. And, you know, it’s and it’s a wonderful community for that. That reason is that they I really think people want to help you want to make it easier and enjoyable. And I love the aspect of RV into that it’s typically couples that want to spend time together.
So we always say that we say that, everywhere we’ve gone, we’ve met great people and like minded people, because you don’t do this if you don’t get along.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yes. Right. What do you want to get inside a 40 foot drive down the road with someone and their pets and with somebody that they don’t really like to hang out with.
And so I think that’s a credit to our viewers is that they enjoy their their partner or their spouse and they want to set spend that time together? Because it is you know, close quarters. And but it’s easy living and let’s you know, full timers, I am always like impressed when people tell me they’re like jumping in with you know, full throttle, they’ve sold everything, they’re going full time. I’m like, wow.
Yeah, that’s a commitment.
It’s a commitment. And then I think man, the weight off their shoulders must be huge, like not to have to worry about the house and everything back home and all that stuff, you know, anyway, it’s just, it’s a whole group of people that if you’re not in the RV lifestyle, you don’t even realize that this exists, right. But it’s just really cool and just found, you know, wonderful friends and young people that almost feel like family.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Now I feel like we’ve only been doing this for two years, a little over two years are learning the RV, we’ve just keep doing it more and more. But now I feel like we have friends literally all over the country, not just in Charleston, where we’re from, you know, we have our friends there, of course, and we miss them when we’re gone. But then we’re like, Hey, we’re gonna be in Florida, we’re going to see you. We’re going to be down here, we’re going to be over here. And it’s just, it’s been really great to, and then meet up with our friends other places, you know, like, hey, meet us in Key West. We’ll be down there and we’ll meet some friends and and have a great time. So we really enjoy it.
Yeah, last night. Just to go back to your aim statement. All you have to do is ask one question. And they will talk forever. Last night, we asked one question, and it was about the rallies Are you know, are they fun? You know, and one guy said, Absolutely. And here’s what you got to do. As soon as they list them to sign up for all he said you got to do it. You got to sign up for all them or it’ll get filled. And he said, you know, and then if you can’t make it, let them know ahead of time so that they can pull people off of that list. But he said as soon as that list comes out, I sign up for every single
Lisa RichartHernandez
right Yes,
yeah, they will. Every rally is a little different. Like let me give you just a taste of what we did one in Vegas, so we didn’t do it last year because of COVID but the year before we rented out the mob museum for the night. For our group, people dressed in 20s style attire, they were so inclined, which makes it really fun. Yes. And then we had like, you went to the mom Museum, then we had appetizers and drinks in the speakeasy. And then we went up to the courtroom for dinner and entertainment. So that was just one night. And then we have another night where we have like a poker night we bring in the tables and the dealers. We give everyone chips they play all nights, the whatever, they win money wise, they then get to use that money towards prizes in an auction. And we did. We did a I think it’s a probably say this right, QA. I mean, it’s one of those Oh shows, you know, the water shows.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Oh, yeah,
That was another event we went to and to a comedian. So like, wow, in four days, you know, we entertain you, we try to give you maybe one afternoon off, or you know, a little bit of time, so you can go and sightsee if you’re we just did Fredericksburg. If you wanted to go spend some time, you know, doing your own thing. You have a little time to do that. But we also offer seminars, different classes, different vendors will come and talk to us. So even a craft you know, and we did cookie decorating at the last year, which was kind of fun. You know? When someone else does all the work. I love it. Yeah. So that everyone is is different. And so that’s what they’re saying they typically wouldn’t have been filling up in like 72 hours or less. So if you get the email and you’re an a member, yeah,
Lisa RichartHernandez
sign up. And you said there’s like about 100 coaches at each rally,
right, right. 75 to 100. And that’s probably the size that we want to keep it up because we really want it to still feel kind of intimate, where we can get to know and make sure we get to visit with every customer while we’re there and have some time with them. So we want to keep it about that size.
Lisa RichartHernandez
That’s awesome. Tell us just going back to you and director of sales. Tell us about what types of coaches you represent and what you sell with. Who’s your typical best customer?
Oh, okay. Well, we sell several different manufacturers at different locations. So we sell Newmar and Entegra, there are big diesel Class A manufacturers that we represent we also represent. I mean, for a Winnebago that’s another one we just added last year, which we’re thrilled to have but we have forester we have coachman, we have pleasure way. So we have class a diesel and gas. Same with classC diesel and gas. And same with B diesel and gas. So we’re just we’re strictly motorized, we do take in trades. So if you have a trailer, we’ll take in your trade. We don’t we just don’t sell them. But we try to make it super easy to do business with us, our our philosophies a little bit different than most dealers, since we do have the other businesses. Sales is basically a funnel for those businesses. So we want to treat you really fairly on the sale of your coach. Because over the years, you know, we’ll make more money on you and service. Unfortunately, you know, there’s a lot that’s happening on an RV, you know, between the the, the chassis and the house,
there’s always something
Yeah, there’s always something so we feel like if we take care of you on the cell that they you’ll then come to us for service
in the long run, you’re gonna make the money
Yeah, service, washing detail, paint and body, we pretty much do everything. So we really want to have customers for life. And it’s not just like a cliched little thing that we say we really we really mean it. And so if you come and visit us, and you know, you experience anything other than that, then we want to hear about it because we want we want to be better than everyone else.
Lisa RichartHernandez
When, what is Nashville opening?
It’s open. Oh, yeah. So it opened and it opened in January, officially, we kind of so we’re in a temporary location there. That’s, you know, we’d love to try to find a building that’s already ready that we can make it work for us. But we weren’t able to. So we’re in a temporary location there. And then we’ll be building so we should be in our permanent location about a year and a half. Hopefully, I didn’t tell them. We’ve got our service department there. They’re ready to go. We’ve got coaches showing up every day. We’ve got two Awesome, well, almost two and a half sales people there and ready to help you. So it’s a little extension of national indoor RV centers. And we’re so excited to be you know, in the Ohio River River Valley and, and servicing a whole new group of people.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, that we love that
y’all look for my cornerstone. Gosh,
yeah, we carry everything in Nashville all pretty much all our lines. So Oh, that’s awesome. Yeah.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Well, let me just tell you, if, as a listener, if you are thinking about buying a coach or trading your coach in or upgrading or starting out in rvng, having a salesperson like Angie that knows all of the different lines is really, really important. I can’t tell you how many times even when we were shopping for our first coach, they didn’t really have all the details. You’d say, Well, what does this mean? What does that mean and having someone that’s as educated as you about the different lines when you come it’s just like being a real estate agent. You know, when someone comes to me and they say, these are the things I want in the house and I know all the neighborhoods right like It’s like, you know all the neighborhoods?
Yeah. It’s exactly like, Oh, I got to share this with you.
Lisa RichartHernandez
And if you don’t like that on this one, you might like this over here. And then it’s things that you may not have ever had the opportunity to look at. So,
So true, there’s nothing worse than when we bought our first one. And when you ask the sales man or salesperson a question, and they don’t know the answer, it’s like, really, you’re selling this thing? And then you ask another question. Oh, I’m not sure I’ll have to find out for you.
Lisa RichartHernandez
When I was going to buy a car, I was like, why is this one better than that one? And the guy was like, Oh, no, no, that it’s $60,000 vehicle.
Yeah, yeah.
Lisa RichartHernandez
kinda want to know. Why would I pay 20,000? More for this one? Give me an idea.
Yeah, yeah. So we’re we are big time on learning the product. And, and that’s one of the things as director sales that I really want to push is make sure you have that product knowledge and training, because we we should be the expert there to help our customers, even though they’re really the experts, you know, but like the newbies they’re not, so you need to help them. really our goal is, I don’t care if you want to order a coach, that’s fine, I’m not going to push you to buy something on the lot. Like, I want you when you’re spending this kind of money, I want you to be happy. And ultimately, if that’s ordering a coach, and there are certain manufacturers that you can kind of custom build coaches with, let’s do it, let’s do a custom built. But if it’s XYZ that you want, I’ve got it, then I’ll show you, but we are not trying to be pushy, we just really want you to be happy. And that’s that’s the ultimate goal.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah. Do people burn trade in their RVs? And then you like know, when they’re coming in? You know, you got the insights?
Oh, yeah, absolutely. That’s why I always say you can look on our website, which is NRVC.COM and you can see what we have. But a lot of times, it’s frustrating for customers, they’ll see coaches that just have this big blue drape over him. Like why can’t we see the coach? Well, that means it’s not physically on the lot. If it’s physically on our lot, you’ll see the coach will have pictures there of the actual coach, because I get that question a lot, too, they’ll say is that the actual coach that I’m buying? Yes, if it’s on that, you know, if it’s in the picture has a stock number, that’s the actual coach that you’re viewing. So we have the draped coach, that means it’s coming in, it’s on order. But a lot of time, those coaches that are an order, if you call one of our RV lifestyle specialists, they can walk you through the order. So they can tell you what floorings in there, what interior packages in there, what exterior package it has, and they can tell you when it’s expected delivery date is. So we can do all that and then you can put a deposit on that coach, so you don’t have to wait for it to come in, you know, once you get there, if it’s not exactly what we represented, or it’s not what you thought you liked, we’re not going to keep your deposit again, our whole goal is for you to be happy. So we do orders you can buy off the lot. So I may have you know 10 people that have orders you know down the line. Well they all have traits, I know what they’re those traits are so the trade not may not be coming in and tell their coach comes in but I know they’ve got a you know tiffin or I know they’ve got a 2016 mountainair or I know they’ve got a you know, 2019 cornerstone. So a lot of times those aren’t on the website yet because we don’t physically have the inventory and I can’t really even say that they’re coming soon because again, that whole deal needs to take place before I can sell that coach. But I know about it so I can pre sell it. So that’s why you should always call and talk to our RV lifestyle specialists because they do have the inside scoop on what’s coming in.
Lisa RichartHernandez
What’s great. That’s how we got ours. Yeah, yeah. So tell them how we can get in touch with you directly Angie?
Okay. Well you can reach me You can call me at 469-277-1120 or you can call you can get our main number is 469-277-1330. And that will get you to Terry our operator and she can direct you to any of our locations I typically like to visit with customers and then I usually will put you with one of my specialists at the location that’s going to be most convenient for you. Because again, when you show up to Atlanta or Dallas or Vegas, I want you to say I’m here to see Steven I want Steven to greet you I want you to feel like you are someone’s ready and waiting to show you what you’re there to see or take care of you.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Well Angie, thank you so much for being here with us today. We have learned so much and really enjoyed this ame rally I guess we would call it a rally
right meetup right now you have to promise me you’re going to come to a real aim rally.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Oh yes.
Yes it is. Oh, I do want to say make sure you get on a waitlist. All of our rallies for 2021. Except Vegas is full, they’re full. But we are willing to add another rally if we know you’re interested. So there’s a little button on our it’s AIMCLUB.ORG and you can go on there Lool at events and then it will say join our waitlist. If we get enough people on the waitlist you’ll see that we did it in Tennessee. We had so many people on the waitlist we added a second week of that rally. Again, don’t Don’t feel like you can’t. There’s the possibility that we could add more for 2021. And then anyway, so we’d love to have you and awesome.
Yeah. Colorado. I want to go to that one.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah. He just can’t wait to go back to Moab. He just loves what if I said, just start driving there right now and I’m like, Okay, I’m out
gonna go
Lisa RichartHernandez
over place. We went up. Did you do like Zions and Bryce and all that, or just Moab? We didn’t even get there. We only got to canyonlands and arches.
Oh, there so much.
Lisa RichartHernandez
We did We had a guided Jeep Tour. And we drove our jeep. And he like, took us through his revenge and stuff. And so we’ve created a monster now. Don’t ever ask him to show you his jeeping videos. You want to get away? Like, I’m like,
Unless you got three hours.
Lisa RichartHernandez
You see my jeep videos?
That sounds fun.
It was so much fun.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, it was. Yeah. So we’ve just every bit more we do we thought COVID would really hold us back from our travels. But with all the things that we did this year, despite or I could say last year now, despite everything, we still had, like a fabulous year and saw some really amazing things. So I’m really hoping I don’t care. Whatever happens with this virus, hopefully, we’ll still be able to do some more really incredible things that we learn more each time and meet more people. And I think AI will be a big part of that.
Yeah, so I think COVID had helped has helped us all kind of connect, connect in a different way with our loved ones and friends and, and the outdoors. Yes. When you go to a parks and set there’s so many more people outside and doing stuff than there were a year ago, so many awful things that have come out of it. No, people have left lost loved ones and everything. But there are some great connections and and reconnections that have happened. I think Tim and right now just to add to that,
it’s a great time to take advantage of COVID because there’s no outside travelers, no foreigners. Right. So when we were at the parks, there was nobody that it was a little,
Lisa RichartHernandez
a little, a lot of things were closed, which was you know, kind of a bummer. But things that seemed random shouldn’t be closed. It’s like we’re walking down a trail, how can this trail
walking in on trails in the middle of the red redwood forest a mile into the trail and somebody was walking toward you and decides they’re gonna put their mascot? Yeah. Okay.
That sounds fun, though. So you did Redwoods too?
Lisa RichartHernandez
I’ve never done this.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Oh, my gosh, you can’t even really describe the redwoods. If you haven’t been there already. The only way I could describe it would be if you like, lived in the country, your whole life. And then you went to New York City for the first time, and saw how big the buildings are. That’s like the trees. Oh, like imagine that. But trees.
Absolutely beautiful.
And that was your first time since you’ve been like RV. Yes. So you’ve seen some pretty cool stuff in the in a short amount of time,
Lisa RichartHernandez
Our cross country trip, we saw a lot of things and had it not been for COVID, we wouldn’t have been able to go because we would have had other things on our schedule already planned. And I still had a good sales year in real estate, which was great, but people didn’t want to meet in person. And so I could just do anywhere as long as I have WIFI I’m good to go.
We just took advantage of the COVID time Yeah, we’re down. We might as well be down in our rolling condo.
Absolutely. And they are they’re just they’re nice. It’s it’s a great way to travel safe, clean your own food if you want.
Lisa RichartHernandez
So well in here. Every time we get in our coach. I’m like, I love it here. I sleep so well. It’s dark.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, you
And yeah, you can make it like a cave. You don’t know what time it is the next morning.
We’ve done that many times. Wake up and we go, oh my god, it’s 10 o’clock. The sun is out
Lisa RichartHernandez
Is’n it great?
Lisa RichartHernandez
Love it. Love it. Well, once again, thank you, Angie, so much for being with us here. today. I’m going to put all of our contact information in our show notes. Check her out on YouTube. She’s got some great tutorials and she can show all her coaches if you spell her last name, M O R E L L, it’s Angie Morell. She’s the director of sales for national indoor RV centers. If you just Google her up, I did our search or on YouTube, you’ll see all of her videos. And she does a fabulous job with that. And we learn new things from her each time we watch one of her videos. So thanks so much.
Thank you so much. It’s been so fun. And again, this is like the perfect example. I met new friends. I have new friends. Yeah. And all because you came to Aim rally. So
We’re looking forward to the next one.
Yep, absolutely. Thank you guys.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Thank you.
Bye Bye.
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