Two adults in Disney, what we love and what I hated!

Two adults in Disney, what we love and what I hated!

June 1, 2020 Blog Couples News Testamonial Travel 0

Lisa: Hi. Welcome back to Rview, I’m Lisa Richart-Hernandez and this is George Hernandez, and we’re gonna talk to you today about life travel in real estate.

So are most recent trip is to Disney, and we stayed at Fort Wilderness in the RV, and this was right after our trip to New Orleans. So as you could imagine, going from New Orleans to Disney was a completely different change of pace. But we just want to talk to you a little bit today about kind of our experience, right?

Yeah, as two adults without Children going to Disney and what we like them didn’t like and what our two cents are. So I hope you enjoy

Well, let me just say star by thing that I have never been a huge Disney van growing up. I went to Disney my whole life, and it was fine. Like my parents took me there because we lived in Michigan. My grandparents lived in Florida, and so pretty much almost every year, they would take me to Disney, so I can remember going to Disney one. You had to buy tickets for the rides, Each individual ride.


Wow. So I’ve been there for a long time, but never remember that. Yes. Yeah, Okay. I don’t Lisa must be way older than me. Yeah,

Yeah, that’s right. What? I went when I was little, you know? And we drove down from Michigan. Yes, I can remember writing on the teacups and then they gotta finally got the all inclusive one ticket seeking ride all day. I’m one thing. I

guess that’s when we started going because I never remembered tickets. but it was interesting. Go in. There is an adult again without Children and just kind of taking a step back and looking at Disney and the castle and the rides. And just it was a weird experience as an adult, because I guess when you take the kids, you’re so worried about taking the kids here. Oh, my God. Let’s get him on this ride And let’s get the picture of demand, Dumbo.

And let’s get the picture of this. And you’re just so caught up in your kids and making sure they have a great time that when you’re there by yourself is an adult. It’s like art. But can we get to what rods can we get on quick and let’s move on.

Yeah, so I grew up going to Cedar Point in Ohio, which I loved, and they have, like, probably five of the world’s tallest fastest roller coasters. So I’m a thrill seeker. So if you’re a thrill seeker, I do not recommend the Magic Kingdom. It is so like every ride is just sitting around, kind of watching little like like it faces a baby’s not even, like plead for babies. Small kids. Yeah, which lets just touch on that subject right now.

Babies and small, small kids. I cannot believe how many families I saw with, like a baby in a stroller, a three year old and the mom’s pregnant that to me. You might as well just shoot me, then seriously put me through that misery of kids and all that walking and all that heat, all the lines and all day long and all the expense of it.

What those parents do not realize is those Children are not going to remember that they have ever been to Disney. At that age.

They will not remember, and I can attest to it. My son Tyler, who is 16 years old now swore to us that he had never been to Disney. Dad, I’ve never been to Disney. I wanna go to Disney. I’ve never been to Disney. So one day we were up in the attic and we have a box full of pictures.

Don’t miss the boxes that I say it from when when their mother passed away Should all these boxes and I need memory box pictures and that is going to

their mom and we love to take pictures. So we’re going through the box. And lo and behold, that’s a Tyler. Look at this body. Who’s this? They looked at the picture and there he was little kid with the Disney ears with the making years right in front of Castle, and it blew his mind that he had actually been there.

But that goes with the least of the same. And I know these parents are doing it for their kids, and it’s they they they want to take their kids to Disney so bad. But I would say to any parent out there don’t go until your kids are at least five years old or older. Yes, that’s when they’ll start having true memories.

And I think it’s a scientific fact that you don’t harness memories until after five. So you’re basically doing it for yourself. Opinion time and it’s a ton of money. It was $120 per person just to walk in the door. It was $240. Release tonight to walk in the door for one day

We got the park hopper passes for two days, which saved this a little bit. And that was great. I would suggest. Definitely get the Park Hopper passes way did that And it was great.

Yeah, so yes. So I start by saying, I don’t didn’t love Disney. So and it was interesting to go back there and, you know, we went to the president’s memory. That was pretty cool. Remember that kid? All presidents they actually have. Trump is up there now, and I think they

definitely read done that thing cause I don’t remember.

I was sat through the innovations thing where they go, like around in a circle, and it’s from before there was cars until we’ve gotten so much more accomplished this year. Look, now we’ve got ice box inside the house, a little robot that that was I mean, you know, as an adult.

Those were the things that I hated to do as a child. And so we hit some of those because those were no lines. So let’s talk about that. Which one thing that I did I don’t know who knew this is because I have invented Disney Sense fifth grade class trip with Lauren, who is now a freshman in college.

So it’s been a while, but they had a nap, and everywhere you were, it said how long the lines were each different

he tried, which was fantastic because you didn’t have, like, I remember as a kid. When I went, we would run from ride to ride and then you get to the ride and it said, Oh my God an hour and a 1/2. We gotta stand here. Well, now you just pull up the app and you can look at any ride that you want and it will tell you an estimated wait time and I’ll tell you what it was spot on. You can ask Lisa, I

you actually got through a little bit faster

Yeah, but I’m that guy. As soon as I got in line, I started the stopwatch. I wanted to see how accurate it was, and it was either shorter than the time it said or right on, so that Disney is definitely using technology to their advantage. And I think it will actually help people’s experience because you can pace yourself and time the rides accordingly.

So pros and cons of that, like if you wanted to get the fast passes for any of the major major rides, the ones especially, for example, Star Wars is a new a new feature. People were going at four and five in the morning. You have to actually be at the park. This isn’t it. It’s not a Disney. It’s at Hollywood studios.

So the reason people were going at four o’clock in the morning or five in the morning is because you have to physically be at the park first of all, so that the APP picks you up at the park. And when they hit the live, when I guess when they open the park,

The APP goes live and you know they only give out so many wait times they were passed boarding  passes so they only give out so many boarding passes per day. And if you’re not there, four o’clock, five o’clock in the morning, you’re not getting on the ride, and people will go there that early swipe and get their pass, and then we’ll go back to our hotel and come back later because they have the boarding pass. So that part of it kind of sucks, cause waking up at four o’clock in the morning. And B, you’re not getting on the ride unless you wake up at four o’clock in the morning.

So six or seven in the morning, but still very early. 

I’m sure with time that will change as the novelty wears out. Yeah, because the other ride that was there for Star Wars way got on with an hour an hour.

Yeah, Yeah, I will say about the lines. So I’m pros and cons. Like I said, I love Cedar Point. That’s my favorite amusement park in Sandusky, Ohio. But the lines are like, this is exactly back and forth lines where they just squeeze a bunch people into those exact a T metal bars and you just kind of stand there, at least with the lines and dizzy.

You know, it be an hour. Wait. But you were walking through almost an experience. It’s part of the ride now. Yeah, it’s like it was like you’re walking inside the money of all good when you were walking in line for the ride,

right? And in Avatar, your world walking through the jungle. And at least it kept you entertained somewhat better than just like Lisa said, Those exact lines. the same people over and over. The Disney’s very good at camouflaging the lines.

Yeah, yeah, I mean, Disney does a lot of stuff, right? And I can only imagine, Like from a geek standpoint, I think to myself they knew where we were all the time by these little bands that we had and were some of the ones that we would go on the ride and there would be they would know we were there.

the Star Wars. One was was one, for example. No, it was the rock n roll when the Aerosmith So we were standing in line and this couple in front of us from Spain, you know, because he told me in Spanish. So there, from Spain, talking to them and the husband just, like also and grabs his phone and runs over its his wall of posters and takes these pictures and he comes back and says, Oh my God,

I can’t believe it And I said, What was that about? And he said, That was my wife’s name on that poster and that was my name on this poster. And I said, Really? And then, just as we were starting talk about it, Bowman changed to two different names, and I’m sure somebody near us on the line. So they’re tracking you by the band here, which,

way, the band is awesome. It pays for everything everywhere you go, even in Desert Springs. 

So hold on. Let’s finish the what that about. So So they tracking you and they’re making you part of the experience is what I was getting at their names popped up on the posters in the Star Wars one they picked like somebody on a ride, and they made them the villain. Monster saying they had all it was very, very interactive with P o. You could text in a joke for the monsters, and

it’s been doing that for a long time. Remember that it was there That was pretty cool. Yeah, so that was That was pretty cool. Um, a lot of people have questions about the new Star Wars feature. I think that’s at Hollywood. And so of course we told you about how we couldn’t get on the one ride because we weren’t all waking up that early to go. But it was really cool, like it, the whole building around there. They have,

like, a whole village, and it was like we were on the set or we were in the movie. It was really, really cool. My buddy Brian is a big Star Wars geek, and he was like, Man, do you think I would like it? And I said, I think you would love it.

They even had its not Darth Vader. He’s the new later with the Supreme Commander or whatever walking around with the storm troopers. And it was just so cool cause they stayed in character the whole time and they were like, Have you seen any outsiders or whatever?

Look, kids are like It was a pretty like point that his family over there in the storm having a hard time. It was really cool, though, that they did a really good job that I’m glad we went by there anyways. And that’s part of

it was really cool because it was very interactive, like we weren’t even on the ride and it felt like we were in, like in the movie.

I posted a picture on RView Podcast of it. And I swear it looks like we were on the side of Star Wars. Very, very cool.

By the way, go to our view podcast dot com on. We’ll have some of the pictures posted on you won’t believe it was. They’re kudos. To Disney that was a great display.

Yeah, and I guess talk about great displacing. My might think my second favorite to the Star Wars was definitely add. The Avatar avatar has been there for longer than the Star Wars, so it wasn’t such a long ride, but I loved that interactive ride. That’s that in looking them.

And when that happens, our and it was so beautiful. It was It was like you were riding on the back of one of those winged creatures. Whatever they’re calling it, An avatar may do this whole thing, but you sit on there and it’s all virtual reality, which is so crazy because you’re not really riding on a ride. But they put you in front, this huge string, and they put wind in your face and the seats move in the kind of ride on. It was like a motorcycle type of, ah feel ride.

And it just really felt like you were flying through that. I could have done it again. It was so beautiful.

Yeah, and that one again. Like I said before, part of the line was part of the experience that we walk through the jungle. We walked through the lab where they had the avatar and the tube, and it was so cool. And the one thing with ride, you could feel the wind. As you’re flying on this thing and one scene, you’re really close to the ocean and the big wave comes by the mist from the wave hits you in the face. I mean, they, I guess, hit you with a mist or something. So you get a little bit of water. But it was really, really cool. I really enjoyed that ride.

Yeah, already done like a snow Can’t. Maybe a music one sense. But that was really cool. That was like the one that was soaring high.

That whole feeling, like I could have done those over and over again because they’re just really beautiful and cool to look at. So those are my favorite things. There wasn’t. Okay, So what was the? The Animal Kingdom also had one good roller coaster. Which is Evelyn tried or whatever the when you go up the mountain. Oh, go through the dark.

It’s been there for a while. That was new when my daughter was in fifth grade, so there wasn’t a long line. You could get right on it, but it was It was a pretty fun ride. And I suggest going at dusk or dark, because when you go to the tunnels, it’s actually pitch black. And that was that was pretty cool.

I mean it more fun again. I’m a thrill seeker. So none of the rides to be like, perfectly honest, like I love Cedar Point. All the parks. I mean, we’re like, very for lack of any better term, like boring rides.

But Disney’s catered to kids Cedar Point’s is catered toe thrill seekers. Bottom lot of whatever you most those rides are crazy.

Yes, well, yeah, because he’s just a chicken and we’ll go on the like top speed drags ever.

I told you I got a cramp. I couldn’t pull a muscle.

Yes, I do love thrill rides. And although I don’t know if I’ll ever get my family to go back to Cedar Point with me, that will be probably for another podcast, my love of Cedar Point and all things Cedar Point. But be embarrassed about all of your that sort of crap.

So one of the things that kind of wrapped up our time there was at the end of the thing. They have a light show in Animal Kingdom over the little lake they have there. And I got mixed reviews about that.

Yeah, so I haven’t seen what they did before, But if you ever have looked at any of our other podcasts about this place called spirit like Helene, that’s one of my like, favorite places to go and travel to and at this music festival that we go to and had his like holograms over the water. So this water show was very similar to that. 

There’s all lying king. And again, it’s all cater to kids. I gotta keep that in mind. But it was It was yeah, in my opinion of sort. But it was lame.

Yeah, So just That’s the funny thing, though, to me, like they say, everything is catered to kids. But I can’t tell you how many people had matching T shirts on that side like just married. And we’re, like, here for our honeymoon, which is seriously, I guess maybe the magic for some people is I mean, please don’t give us bad reviews because we don’t love dizzy.

But I just don’t understand, like as adult people wanting to go on your honeymoon with a bunch of long lines and screaming it. Just think about

just in our circle. How many of our friends love give me and love going there. It’s just it’s not for us. I like Disney. I wouldn’t say I love Disney.

That’s how I would go again with grand kids when they’re at the proper age, doesn’t see their enjoyment, But I’m at no seriously. If you do the math, a family of six, just a walk in the door.

OK. So we say that for wilderness for three nights, which is the campground. And, you know, we could have had a role. Families stay there if we wanted to. All fit into the RV, and we did a par copper pass for two days for two people.

The total for three days and two Parker purposes was $1300 which that’s that’s a lot of money for three days at Disney. For two people. That does not include any of our meals, which, you know every dinner was just for the two of us was at least $100. And, um, of course, being in the RV, you could have we could, you know, just eat in the RV, brought food, done all that.

But we didn’t we went out to eat Disney Springs, which there was a couple of good places that we went there. But, um, speaking of staying out for wilderness, why don’t you tell us about what you really

so four wilderness. For me, as the RV driver was awesome, it was really easy to maneuver. It was easy to get to. They were very friendly right at the gate. They gave me everything I needed maps, instructions. They gave us our wrist bands there. Once we checked in, we were good to go. We had our wrist bands. We could go into the parks. We could go into our campsite. The camp sites were beautiful, very clean.

The bathrooms are very, very, very for spotless. Yeah, but that’s a big thing for campers. And RViers is having really nice bathroom. So ah, lot of, like reviews or bigger. Bad. When you become like an RV or camper, you’ll you’ll find like the big thing is the bathrooms.

And if we had brought all the kids normally, even though we have a bath and 1/2 on the on the coach, we just send the kids to the to the bath house because it’s just too much to me. People trying to get ready in the RV. But so so having a nice bathroom is important and they were very convenient. One of the things for Wilderness is gigantic. I mean, gigantic. So we have our scooter bikes, and we were glad we had them.

You can go out of four wilderness, two different ways, one by bus and one by ferry. So the first day George kind of wanted right on the ferry. So we wrote her scooter bikes over to the very thing. But that was kind of a mistake, because then we went park hopping where we ended up but can’t remember baby Disney Springs. We couldn’t get back to where scooter bike was. We end up taking an uber which eating at uber’s really anywhere there also.

But once we long roger scooter bikes to the front gates of for wilderness and then every boss for anywhere you want to go picks up from there very, very frequently. It was really convenient to just jump on the buses and they have buses at each stop. We could have gone through the roof. 

Disney is great at moving. People like Lisa said. We could go up to the front. That’s where the bus stop was and every bus for every part of God. Universal Magic Kingdom thing. Disney Springs were all their water part and they were every couple minutes, so you weren’t waiting very long. And so again. Good job, Disney. They get people moving. What else?

I think we should talk a little bit about Disney Springs. We went there a couple times, enjoyed it for dinner and nightlife.

Yeah, that was really nice. They had bars pretty much everywhere. I think that was kind of the parental unwind area.

Yeah, so Disney Springs is the shopping area. It’s like outside of dizzy, and it’s like a bunch of sores and a bunch of restaurants, and they have like, a bowling place in a movie place and a bunch of stuff. I guess if it was raining, it would be a really great place with kids I suppose. 

Even if it wasn’t raining, I mean, it was really good. They had all all kinds of things. Every kind of store you can think

kind of Disney store you can imagine. Oh, you also there. Amazing what they get on merchandising. 

They must have a contract with everybody. For example, Michael course had a shop in their pocketbooks. Disney emblems on Kate Spade. Kate Spade emblems, Tommy Bahama shirts. Disney emblems. So Disney is getting theirs?

Yeah, for sure, for sure. We did go to restaurants over there. We always talk about foodie stuff. We went to paddle fish and to the boathouse. Um, I like them both. Peddle fish. I had the scallops served over some creamy color flower, almost like a mashed potato cauliflower that I had, like fried or grilled brussels sprouts. I wasn’t really good dinner that night. We just I just wanted like me like a fish and a vegetable. And it was really good. I think you have that night. I remember. I know it was good, though.

Whatever it was, it was good. Cattle fish? Oh, yes. I had clams with linguine. Which thank you very much was actually very, very good. The sauce was fantastic. It wasn’t over garlicky, and they threw Venturi. So which was interesting to that luxury so you could throw it on anything.

But I’ve never had linguini in clam sauce with jury. So and it was fantastic. Paddle fish is an old I have Ah, paddle boat. Big, massive thing. It was really cool. And upstairs on the top floor is an open bar with could be on chairs. And I think they said they had a full menu up there, too.

Yeah, we ended up eating at the bar downstairs inside, but that was kind of to avoid the line. And there was, like, a 30 or 40 minute wait. So he’s got a big party, especially you can sit at the bar. I would highly recommend trying to reservations at these places early on because they do get filled up and we don’t even get there till I want to say, like, 8 30 or nine oclock at night. And it was still a 40 minute we for a table cell,

for sure. So if you’ve got a big group and its during peak season, definitely definitely,

there there are during the week, so I don’t know if it’s even considered pixies or not. But yeah, And then the second place we went was the boathouse, which I really loved. The atmosphere that the best. So here’s a little insider tip. The boat houses is there’s thes. You could go on these and Vivian boats that are like a car or a boat. You couldn’t do that outside music going on.

So it’s a really cool atmosphere, and I had seen online that they have this, like seating out over the water. Well, there’s a huge line of people at the door, like waiting to get in to talk to the hostess, and we kind of did the same thing again. We sort of scooped around the side and over here looked as he’s like. We’re like, we’re trying to get to the bar out there and he was like follow me and we went out the bar on the actual like Doc. Where was the coolest like atmosphere was.

There was hardly anybody sitting out there because they couldn’t get through the crowd of people standing at the front door. So we kind of scoot your way back to that bar. Was first come first, sir. We had excellent bartender.

Yeah, the atmosphere there was fantastic. If you’re on the water music mark, tenders were awesome. They were really on top of everything. Took very good care of us. What did we have? Oh, waste always there for a very, very good.

So I kind of picky about oysters, Sort of sort of not like I don’t like gigantic oysters are not coach because they’re just too slimy for me. And I like to have to take two bites of my oyster. But it’s also about, like, how clean they are and the accouterments that come with them. So many a sauce and the horseradish in the cocktail sauce and the stuff that they served them. And this was really good clean oysters.

There was very, very ones made short work saw I certainly could. That was really good. And then we we ordered filet magnon with a lobster tails. Put it, lobster tail side. It was good. It’s a It’s a fish house. So I never have high expectations of great filet magnon out of fish house. But it was good. It was prepared exactly how I wanted it. That lobster tails very good.

I was, like half a lobster like it was a tale. The claw, all the legs. Yeah, I thought it was a whole lobster. Yeah,

it was very good. Prices were absolutely reasonable.

Well, reasonable is a relative term. I mean, our dinner for two people was $120. Well, for where you are and what Wow, they. But some people, you know, reasonable time is.

if you’re ordering filet magnon and lobster. It was reason ordering a burger. Then it wasn’t reasonable. I think they have, like, a $15 cheeseburger. Right? But you know what I’m getting?

So that wasn’t really for our old Disney trip Overall. Good experience. A few. We got spend a few days doing some different things. Definitely. Bring your walking shoes. Have my watch on. Walked in was 20,000 steps the day. Lots of walking, awesome, standing packed for comforts. Definitely think there’s our biggest tips, right?

So our call of action to you as our listener is tell us what we missed convinced me that I have I should become a Disney fan or why I should love Disney. What am I missing out on all these other millions of people love about Disney because I have been a lot of times and I can’t seem to find it. Maybe I just need to give up on that or if you have other parks that you’ve experienced aside from Cedar Point that I love. I would love to hear about those two, Um, because we’re always looking for new adventures, and I love to be a thrill seeker.

So send us an email. You can find us at or on our Instagram, at RView Podcast. It’s the letter R V i E w. Podcast. So either way, reach out and please don’t give us about a review because we don’t love Disney, but you could give us a good review or we’d love it here back from you. In the comments so like and subscribe and get ready to listen to our next adventure. Too Hot says Yea. All right. Bye. Friends have good one.

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